Contact Yolky
Contact Yolky (Charles L Harmon) by filling out the form below.
I will usually contact you within 24 hours. However, if I am on vacation, or away from California I will contact you when I return.
If you are interested in buying one of my domain names mention the specific name.
You can go to yolky.com/resources domainsam.com or kissazz.com for more domain names.
If you want to start a businesses and need an eye catching domain or business name then you might consider my KissAzz.com.
If you are a brave soul and can also see the value of a similar domain name with almost the opposite meaning of Kiss Ass, then you may be a candidate for my Kiss My Azz domain. Contact me if interested.
Kiss my Azz would make a great name for a company that produces unique novelty items.
You could alternatively have a website showcasing or capitalizing on the numerous things found when doing a Google search for: kiss my ass which over 6 million people search for. Use your imagination. I’m sure there are many other things that KissMyAZZ.com could be used for. Contact me if interested in this or any of my domain names.
Comments or questions are welcome.