How to Make People Buy Your Product Understand Why People Spend Money When it comes to creating marketing messages, especially those that trigger emotions, it helps to understand the reasons why people spend money in the first place. If you can understand why your audience opens their wallet to buy, you can trigger them to […]
What Is Emotional Marketing?
What Is Emotional Marketing? Emotional marketing is a term thrown around in the marketing world that means basically what you think. It means that you use various words, colors, and images to evoke certain emotions in the audience in all your marketing messages. There is an entire science involved in marketing that studies the effect […]
Building Customer Relationships That Last
Building Customer Relationships That Last One of the ways a business builds its brand is to tug at the emotions of their audience. The way a customer and client work together and communicate can build long-lasting, meaningful relationships Relationships that turn clients into fans, and fans into clients. You can actually set out to build […]
The Secret Formula to Effective Marketing: Emotions
The Secret Formula to Effective Marketing: Emotions Using Emotion in Marketing Communications Great marketing seeks to tug at the emotional strings of the audience. Because if you can get them to think about things that trigger emotions – like happiness, longing, their sense of loss and more, you can also trigger them to answer your […]